4 Reasons Why You Fail Miserably

By Keith Cook

Are you familiar with the excuses and reasons we give for not being our best selves or having a meaningful and fulfilling life? We say things, like I’m not educated enough, I don’t know what to do, I don’t have enough money or time, the economy is bad, the weather, the President, my race, I’m afraid to win, it’s just not in the cards for me. What it really comes down to are 4 main reasons why people fail to achieve their full potential.

Fears and Uncertainty Overpower Desires

False experiences appearing real. Fake experiences appearing real. FEAR can cause you to freeze up in front of a large crowd of people. Fear can cause your mouth to get dry, your heart rate to increase, and the palms of your hands to sweat. Fear can create anxiety, ulcers, depression, low self esteem, phobias and the list goes on and on. Fear is a very powerful emotion that has the ability to keep you form moving forward in a relationship, a business venture, taking the chance of a life time or deciding to follow your dreams. Even though fear is self created, we allow the fear of the unknown to clutch or paralyze us from moving out of your comfort zone. Little do we know, what lays outside of our comfort zone is where the fun really begins.

Fear is a part of life that can be used as a springboard to greatness. It can be used as fuel to spur us forward. And if you do not take action to overcome your fear, you are still left with fear. Fear of not knowing if you could really make it happen, fear of being in the same financial situation next year this time, fear of being in the same dead end relationship, fear of not having the freedom to buy what you want and go were you want when you want. And all the while, having a burning desire to get past this point so you can live a prosperous, healthy, and abundant life. Fear is not the enemy, the lack of taking action to overcome fear is.

Ask yourself, what is the worst thing that could happen? What’s on the other side of the fence is worst than the current situation. I could be embarrassed. I could fail or not get the results I desire. It could actually work, then what?. I could forget my lines. I could get hurt. These are results that could very well happen. People do loose their money. Companies close, people die, accidents happen. If you are able to read this post, you have survived everything that has happened to you up to this point.

We have become a very impatience world and we want everything right now. Those overnight success stories, are whisper’s in the wind. It takes time to build, cultivate, apply, grow, and prosper. But you have to start somewhere. One cannot refuse to eat just because there is a chance of being choked. There is risk involved in everything we do, so you might as well take the risk of living an extraordinary, passionate, and extremely rewarding life. “If you help enough people get what they want, you will always have what you want.” Zig Ziglar One thing is for certain, if you do nothing to change your current situation, you will continue to get the same results.

The Lack of Knowledge and Skill Limits Thinking and Lowers Confidence Levels

I recall my desire to become a loan officer. I went to work and I was surrounded by loan officers that had been on the job longer than I’d been alive. So my lack of knowledge and skills limited my thinking and my confidence level was low. I was fortunate to be in the company of leadership and people that cared enough to part wisdom and patience with me. The more I read the different programs and guidelines, my knowledge and skills began to grow. Of course the repetition of originating loans was pivotal in building my confidence level. I attended seminars, read books, keep a journal, wrote affirmations and meditated, among other activities to keep focused and inspired. I knew I needed to add to my knowledge and experience to make me better at being a loan officer. The more I listen to CD’s about selling techniques, acquired mentors and applied the examples, procedures and techniques of other successful people, the more opportunities to receive my desires were attracted into my life.

You can also act as if. Ask yourself, how would I act if I’ve accomplished my goals. You need to have a clear picture of the finished product. What would I wear? What would I eat? How would I treat other people? How would I give back to the community? What people would I associate with? How would I spend my money? Where would I vacation? Picture yourself as already having accomplished your goals and act as if.

Another idea you can apply is to lay in bed each morning and envision all the positive events of the day. Getting showered, breakfast, and to work on time. Driving to work and all the lights go green for you. Being very productive throughout the day. Helping with dinner and the kids homework. Having spousal time to relax and talk. Lay in bed at night and envision how you desire the next day to unfold. This intention sets forth energies in motion to help your days unfold as you have envisioned. These are great ways to stay focused, inspired, and increase your self confidence. I knew that I needed a blueprint to follow and seeking out guidance and experience beyond my own was the key.

People Don’t Apply the Right Information or Process in the Right Order Which Prevents Them From Getting Great Results Even When They are Working Hard

Are you an individual who works really hard, day in and day out and still can’t get ahead? Do you find yourself getting further and further behind on your bills, harder to find time for the family, taking that dream vacation, or just having a sense of freedom and accomplishment? Deep down we know that we deserve something, but still feel unworthy. We develop a low self esteem or the ” I can’t do it” attitude due to the set backs, being told it won’t work, you will never amount up to anything, or failed attempts to accomplish a goal or desire and we give up. A lot of people become involved in a business venture or MLM with one idea in mind, “I can get rich quick.” The “get rich quick skims”, don’t work.

There is a formula for success. Taking action now, persistence, adjustments from the results that do not bring you your desires, apply new knowledge and continuous learning. As life has it, your wants and desires never stop. Desires will continue to come forth and understanding that fears and set backs are on the road to success is key to any successful undertaking. We have unlimited access to people, places and events that will lead us, provide us with the tools to live an extraordinary life and experiences beyond our wildest dreams.

We can implore the principle of asking. Ask someone who is in position to help you. Ask if you can take them out for lunch and interview them about the ins and outs of the business. Asking is a genuine skill and sales technique that when used in a win win situation, is sure to net you a favorable response. Ask for help from someone who can help you, finding a mentor, attaining the services of a coach, are different avenues to keep moving forward and not get stuck.

We are taught in school that it’s not OK to get or ask another student for help or answers. After being subjected to “there’s only one correct answer”, or “asking a fellow student for help is considered cheating”, from preschool to college, we’ve become numb to reaching out to others. We’ve become programmed to “do it yourself” and that ideal stuck with us. If you look at what has been programmed into us by the media, our parents, teachers, coaches, TV, the government, radio, there’s no wonder why so many people have are emotionally disconnected from their feelings. So many outside influences of thinking are bombarding our minds and that can be very confusing. Get yourself plugged into a proven system, course, or workshop, that delivers the results you are after. All that is necessary is applying yourself and becoming a part of a proven system that works.


Many people have thoughts of I doubt I can do that. I doubt I’m worthy. We may fear being successful. Scared that life with be better than our wildest dreams. Afraid that our friends and family members will envy us. May be we don’t want others to feel threaten by our lifestyle and abundant increase and health. We doubt yourselves and have a self talk that is in no way inspiring Doubt is the opposite of desire. Doubt is an indicator of opposing thought. In order to have doubt you have to have a doubter and one who is doubted. This is a representation that there are 2 parts to our personality. The challenge is that most of us identify with the doubted instead of being the doubter, which is where all the power is.

A classic therapy technique I read about states putting 2 chairs in front of each other, sit in one chair and say to the other chair, “I don’t think you can do this. You’re going to give up, you are too weak, you don’t have all the information.” Then switch chairs and and become the one who’s been doubted and say “wait a second I know I can do this. Don’t tell me what I can’t do.” It’s like a parent and a child fighting. When you do that, you naturally activate the part of you that does have confidence that wants to fight back against the doubt. You can go back and forth for about 10 minutes and you’ll be surprised at how much energy that you will release and allow you to identify the power that’s within you rather than the part that’s being judged.

If we remain in the emotion of feeling unworthy, the law of attraction will continue to deliver to us what we are feeling. What we need to do is replace those opposing self defeating thoughts, with supportive, uplifting and encouraging thoughts. You want to build self confidence and this is a way to do it. You want to increase your belief and faith within yourself. We can practice meditating to build this discipline. Life is going to hand you obstacles. Obstacles strengthen us to help us develop perseverance, love, joy, forgiveness, and more. Obstacles are a part of life. The challenge is whether you can hold your focus and not give up.

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