Potential Cure for Progesterone-Sensitive Type PMDD


By Joy Bing Fleming, MBA, CC

First things first, I am not a medical doctor. Please contact your doctor regarding treatment options. Everyone is different. What works for 1 person may not work for another, but I am sharing my story in hopes that it will help someone else and create more awareness. Here’s my story which led to finding a potential cure for PMDD.

At age 44, I was referred to COEM (Center for Occupational & Environmental Medicine). They tested me for allergies. As it turns out, I have severe food allergies, mold/inhalant allergies, and a sensitivity to the hormone, Progesterone. This sensitivity is what led to me developing PMDD. At age 21, I took birth control pills containing Progesterone. Since I was sensitive to it, it caused dysphoria, and that dysphoria ultimately developed into Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD).

So, what’s the potential cure? Well, at COEM, they custom made drops for all of my specific allergies/sensitivities (including Progesterone allergy drops). They gave me a choice of drops or shots (I chose the drops). They told me that the drops would desensitize me. PMDD basically means that your body can’t handle your monthly hormone fluctuations, so these drops are designed to stop my body from reacting to those fluctuations. As of 9/4/2019, I have been using the drops for 3 months, and my symptoms have significantly decreased. I would say that they’re 90% gone. This is a huge relief for me!

In the past, I underwent a myriad of treatment options, but nothing was making a significant difference in my PMDD. Due to my allergies/sensitivities, I couldn’t take most prescription medications because I tended to get the side effects which made me feel worse.

You may be wondering – what were my symptoms? For those that aren’t familiar with PMDD, I always like to mention that it’s NOT the same as PMS. It has a different name because it’s a different condition. Prior to using the allergy drops, when my hormones fluctuated (the week before my monthly cycle), my body reacted harshly, and that week, I would experience severe panic attacks, anxiety, depression, self-criticism, and eventually suicidal thoughts. The symptoms worsened over the years, and I was getting to the point that I wanted to have my ovaries removed (but doing so had a lot of risks & potential side effects). Doctors didn’t recommend that treatment option for me. Thank goodness I found out about the Progesterone sensitivity & allergy drops.

Again, my symptoms are 90% gone, and soon, I believe they will be completely gone (and I won’t need the drops anymore). Keep in mind that if you have additional allergies (like food allergies or others), make sure to get drops/shots for those as well because they can worsen PMDD symptoms.

Also, I take some vitamin supplements (B-Complex, Vitamin D, Magnesium, Calcium, and a Probiotic).


To learn more about PMDD, simply click here.

*Please note that I am not a medical doctor (I can not provide a medical diagnosis), but I am here for support & guidance to help you through a misdiagnosis.*

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