How to Form a Good Habit

By Keith Cook

Are you noticing a trend about your life like being in or bouncing from one unfulfilled job to the next, hanging around or attracting the same “going nowhere fast” friends and relationships, or having the same amount of money in the bank at the same time each year? We all have habits and habits are what shape our lives. Some habits are very useful and some habits keep us from ever experiencing the absolute best that life has to offer because we decide that the hand we’ve been dealt is all there is to have. So if you have found yourself in a cycle that is no longer serving you, here’s what you can do to create a good habit.

Lets take a look at a story about a young child that grew up in a home with severe financial difficulties. Each time the subject of money came up, it was accompanied with feelings of fear, worry, and anger The child was told that we can not afford that or that’s too expensive. Or just because you want it, doesn’t mean you can have it. Or money doesn’t grow on trees. So by experiencing this behavior or programming over the years, whenever the subject of money came up, this person’s attitude or mood about money would shift to worry, fear, not having enough, or disappointment. Thoughts of lack and associating money with a negative feeling, actually push money away. Therefore, to form a good habit requires a change in perspective about how and what you are doing now by taking unfamiliar actions toward familiar activities. You are going to have to develop new habits toward the familiar activities in your life to get different results.

Here’s a simple way to form a good habit. Start by honoring your feelings. Due to constant exposure to the conditioning of not having enough money, you’ve gotten in the habit of not honoring your feelings. You begin to think that what you wanted wasn’t important and put your feelings on the back burner. Now when it comes time to make a decision, you’re confused because you’ve conditioned yourself to not pay attention to your feelings and desires and your nature ability to choose has become dormant. So instead of you saying, I don’t care, it doesn’t matter or whatever, decide what you want, voice your opinion. This provides you with a contrast to what you do want.

Without knowing what you don’t want, you couldn’t know what you do want. So start there. Make a list of all the feelings you have about what’s going on in your life that you do not like. Once you can not think of anything else, you are complete. At that point, write down how you would like to feel. If you want to be happy, describe what happy is like to you. You have to decide what makes you happy, no one else can. These words do not need to be flowery, just simple and to the point. Now that you have your list of feelings that you want to experience, decide how you want to feel and what you want to experience before hand and then move into the experience or event as if you have already received that which you want.

For example, let’s say you are going for an interview. You’ve arrived early to make a good impression and you are sitting in your car. Before you go in, decide that you are going to be excited and expect that the job will be offered to you. Envision yourself entering the building with a smile on your face. Picture yourself greeting the person behind the desk cordially. As the interviewer greets you, greet them with a smile and firm handshake. Imagine yourself answering the questions to their liking due to their reaction and responses. As you are exiting the interview, see yourself confident and secure because of the positive feedback from the interviewer.

Give your attention to the people, places, circumstances and events that happen in your life. You have to practice deciding what you want, being present and acting as if you already have it. Your constant focusing and practicing on your individual endeavors, will in time create a belief or good habit that will serve you. You can not continue to discuss, observe and believe things as you always have and expect the results of your life to change. You must practice habits that will bring to you what you want in life.

If you are unsure what you are thinking, ask yourself, how do I feel, what am I thinking? This will bring you back to the present and put you in touch with your feelings. They let you know if you are attracting what you desire by a good or positive feeling or if you are attracting what you don’t desire with a bad or negative feeling. With practice, you will become a deliberate creator, allowing only the experiences into your life that you desire.

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