Are You Ready to Ask For Help
By Guest Blogger, Deborah Guido
Today is a day like any other day, a day that you are busy and have so much to do but would you like it to be different? We are all good at many things but some are better at them and that is why they specialize in or are an expert in their field. Imagine working with an expert at something you need help with that you may not know much about. Sometimes we go it alone and stumble and are frustrated with the lack of results due to not knowing the best way to handle a task. If we stop and think about it, would it have been better to get the help, get it done and move on to bigger and better things? Usually the answer is yes, even it we have to pay a fee, we could be so far ahead of the learning curve and have the knowledge for the next time, making us more capable when the task comes up again.
I invite you to take a look at certain areas of your life and get the help you need to make your life sweeter, more efficient and enjoyable. Spending our time trying to figure things out when it is not our area sometimes costs us much more in the long run not to mention causes us a great deal of frustration and sleepless nights.
We are very capable of a lot of tasks and knowing when to ask for help is a great accomplishment. Once we master the art of asking we feel lighter and more in control of taking care of what we are really good at. Take some time to think about a few things that you may be procrastinating about due to the fact that you don’t know how to proceed. Don’t be afraid to ask for help and get it done. We are all human and working together helps us accomplish far more than we would on our own.
Hello, my name is Deborah, I am a Certified Life Coach, love empowering you to create a life you love by taking the necessary action that will move you toward your goals and dreams. I keep things simple, allowing you to achieve success and happiness and know the necessary steps you need to take on a daily basis. We break through your self sabatoging and procrastination to allow you to shine and be successful!
30 Minute “Exploration” Session.