How to Create Success using Effective Actions
By Keith Cook
Every act is either an effective act or ineffective act. Every ineffective act is a failure as far as moving you closer to accomplishing your goal. If you spend your life doing ineffective acts, your entire life will evidently be a failure.
On the other hand, the use of effective action is a success in itself. Use your thought awareness to focus and visualize all that you desire. Also consider the actions you need to take in advance, to accomplish that which you want. If you spend your life doing effective acts, your whole life must be a success.
The cause of failure is doing too many things in an ineffective manner or action and not doing enough things in an effective manner or action. If it is possible for you to make each act an effective one, a success in itself; it’s easy to see that the getting of riches is reduced to an exact science like mathematics. Now the question turns to whether you can make each single act a success in itself. This you certainly can do. You can make each act a success due to your individual awareness that you are working with the infinite supply from which all things flow and the infinite can not fail. To make each act effective you have to put your whole power of faith and purpose into it.
Most people are scrambling around to change things on the outside. They are trying to change their bank account. They are trying to change or create an outside image of themselves and in the process forget about or put on the backburner, the image on the inside.
We have been programmed to live from the outside in. When we look at things from the outside, we are letting the results we see with our eyes dictate and control our lives; as oppose to going within, thinking, believing, and taking action to create the life we desire. We need to change the thought awareness of who we believe ourselves to be. We must challenge ourselves to focus our individual awareness on the thoughts and actions we make. Gerta, a germany philosopher once said, “Before you can do something, you first must be something.” The process of thinking, forming habits, manifesting, whatever it maybe, starts within you, not outside of you.
Many people, because they have such a low self esteem, such a distorted image of themselves, suppress their thought awareness and their dreams of a better and more exciting life; never understanding that they could have them. They lose the individual awareness to take action and separate themselves from the mass consciousness.
We all have the same potential; it’s what we do with it that’s going to make the difference. Many people allow outside influences to usher them through life as oppose to deciding on what they want to have, do and be. Then they blame the economy, friends, parents, the weather, physical appearance, the President, the world for all their life’s ills and misfortunes.
What’s desired, is that you should make the most of yourself for yourself and for others. You must get rid of the thought of competition. Do away with your thoughts of lack and not having enough. You are a creator. You do not have to compete for what has already been created. You do not have to take anything away from anyone else. You do not have to covet the property of others or look at it with envious eyes. No one has anything of which you can not have the same. You are to become a creator not a competitor. If I look at what you have and I envy you – What I’m really saying is I don’t understand that you took your God giving abilities, you built on an idea in your mind and you created the good that you have in your life. I have those same abilities. I’m drawing on the same power. I can create the same thing.
Your life is in your hands. Understand that you can think and create. You can form things in your mind and by holding that thought steadfast with faith, purpose and gratitude, you can cause the thing you think about to be created.
30 Minute “Exploration” Session.

I found this through Stumbleupon. This blog appears great.
I didn’t know you could write poetry like that kid. Pretty amazing!