I Love Being Uncomfortable!

By Guest Blogger, Tom Murray

Tony Robbins’ book, Awaken the Giant Within, reveals the primary motivation behind every action that every human being takes. That motivation is the seeking of pleasure or the avoidance of pain. Ever wonder why you procrastinate when you know the results won’t benefit you? You may feel that it is more painful to act now or more pleasurable to wait. Ever wonder why you stay in a relationship that you absolutely hate? Among other things, the idea of being alone is more painful than being with someone who you can’t even stand to look at.

Important to note is that humans will avoid pain before seeking pleasure. The bottom line is that you must identify those things to which you link pain and pleasure in order to create permanent change.

Creating change of any kind in your life will be accompanied with resistance, as termed by some law of attraction coaches. Synonyms for resistance include pain, discomfort, and fear. This is true for all humans, not just some. Your mind, more specifically your ego, is designed to keep you alive even if it means holding you as a prisoner in an unpleasant situation. So, if you are in a bad job or relationship then your mind is happy because you are still alive. Moving into the unknown, such as a better job or relationship, does not give your mind the reassurance that you will survive. Ugh, why can’t change just be easy? Change brings about discomfort for anyone, but has nothing to do with easy or hard. Easy and hard are labels that we personally apply and interpret. My definition of easy may not match yours. So, I’ve learned to link discomfort with pleasure. The following is a practical, small scale example. One of the graduation requirements at the U.S. Naval Academy is the completion of an underwater swim. I would get about half way, feel a tremendous pressure on my chest and then immediately come up for air (avoiding pain). My coach informed me that I would indeed feel that pressure every single time, but it’s not an indication to quit! My next attempt I felt the pressure, kept going and completed the swim!

That experience, along with many others, has taught me that discomfort is only an indication of impending successful change. My brain links discomfort to future success! If you are trying to change something in your life you will feel discomfort every single time on some level. Think about a time when you felt uncomfortable but persevered. What were the results? There are many techniques available to counter resistance such emotional freedom technique (EFT). Explore what works for you. Discomfort is only an indication of change.


My passion is catapulting others into recognizing their unlimited potential. I’ve accomplished what others thought impossible. I did it, not through luck or good fortune, but through deliberate and methodical thoughts, words, and actions. My mission is to help you achieve your definition of success.


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2 thoughts on “I Love Being Uncomfortable!

  • August 7, 2012 at 8:37 pm

    Rachelle…It gives me goosebumps to know that you’re encountering positive change. Glad to see you’re ready to push!

  • August 7, 2012 at 8:42 am

    This is a really great way to think about change and discomfort. I will take that into mind. It’s also so true. You KNOW change is coming when you get the scared and uncomfortable feeling inside! I know I’m at one of those points in my life. I have to make myself push through! Thanks for sharing.

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