Is “Bad Customer Service” What We’ve Come to Expect

By Keith Cook

What happened to the days when the customer was right? Has the idea “being of service” taken a back seat to dwindling financial bottom lines? Have you come to expect “bad” customer service? Do you see an end to the non-courteous, unprofessional interaction with customer service reps?

So why do you think so many people have a bad taste in their mouth when it comes customer service? Unhappiness. A lot of people are doing jobs, in professions, making a living at things that do not bring them happiness and it shows in their performance in life across the board.

Imagine this; someone works, eight, ten or twelve hours a day, for two-hundred and forty working days a year for ten, twenty, thirty years of their life, doing something they hate or don’t enjoy doing. That person has spent most of their life doing something they don’t like. That is a time bomb waiting to explode in a relationship, marriage, at work, or any given time and place.

I can’t begin to explain my frustration when there’s a language barrier between me and the person on the other end. That just takes the cake when I’m mad as hell and I can’t understand the customer service representative because English is not their first language.

I went to a well known fast food restaurant and ordered a cookie tote. I requested fresh cookies and said that I would be happy to wait. I pulled up to the pay window and the young lady asked me to park at the thank you sign written in big letters on the road. Several minutes later someone emerges from the restaurant and presents me with the cookie tote.

I felt the bottom and it was ice cold, while the top of the tote had a nice warm feel to it. I decided to open the cookie tote and removed the first three warm moist cookies. The next eight were cold and fossilized. So I immediately whipped my car around, went inside to speak with the manager, handed her the cookie tote and explained my dilemma.

As I looked into the manager’s eye’s, I could sense she was irritated. I wasn’t sure if it was because of the ranting child in front of her or the environment as a whole. She seemed distant and unhappy. As I finished, the manager stated, “Jessica please get another cookie tote, he said this one isn’t fresh.” Really??? Even after being told to wait, I received poor customer service.

The idea of treating the customer in a warm, courteous and kind manner has long been swept under the rug. Nowadays, when you come in contact with a customer representative, it’s as though they serve as gate keepers. Every answer they give appears to be in opposition to your goal which is finding a solution to your problem.

Hence, the importance of doing something that you love and are passionate about. You will find yourself overflowing with abundance in all areas and being replenished mentally, physically and emotionally, in the process. As you move in the direction of your passion, doors that were once closed will open, people that were unavailable will seek you out, and things and events will begin to fall in place as though your life is magical.

If you are unsure or simply don’t have a clue as to what you want to do, ask for help, get a mentor or find a Coach. Never stop searching for ways to add clarity, awareness, knowledge and break down the walls of protection, in your life.

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