“Search Your Feelings Luke” (Beware Of Codependency)

By Guest Blogger, Corey Jahnke

“You may dispense with the pleasantries Commander. I am here to put you back on schedule!”

Darth Vadar

Don’t get me wrong, I love being a pharmacist. I love helping people and solving problems that no one else is willing to solve. BUT, I have been doing the same (very demanding) things for more than 25 years. I’ve been actively studying personal development since I was nine years old, and I am ready to expand my influence and help other “weary travelers” find their way along life’s path.

So, I kept asking myself: ”Why am I not further along in pursuit of achieving my own dreams to become a full time writer, speaker, and world class success and business coach?”.

As with most things, the “answer” to this question comes in the form of another question; one asked by personal development expert Brian Tracy. Brian says that the very best people constantly ask themselves: ”What is it IN ME that is holding me back?”.

I knew enough to ask the question but the answer eluded me until I chose to hire my very own success coach (Sherry). During our “discovery call” Sherry asked me what my biggest fear was. As I started to tell her, the answer to Brian Tracy’s question became obvious. ”Sherry” I said, ”With all the demands on my time, energy, and the constant rise in “expectations” from my employer, I often feel overwhelmed, discouraged, and just plain exhausted. I wish I could just walk away from it all and work on my passions, but I have a family to support. I am so afraid that life will keep getting in the way, and I will never accomplish what I know I was born to accomplish.”

This, my friends, is the operational definition of CODEPENDENCY. We get tangled up in a relationship that we know is not in our best interest, it messes with our momentum, and yet we stick with that situation because it’s demands on our time, energy, and momentum make us feel powerless to do anything else. OUCH!! I knew it as soon as I said it.

“Fear is the path to the dark side!”~Master Yoda

The “dark side” for me involves ending up in my rocking chair someday knowing I let codependency “talk me out of” living my real and true destiny of helping thousands of people find their true voice and their paths to expressing it!

Sherry asked me to list at least 3 commitments that I could make to keep from getting “way-layed” by life’s incredible demands. I did. It was very empowering. And, here they are:

1) Focus on the things that I already do that add value to others, make me feel empowered, and build my momentum!

2) Create a schedule of passion related activities so that I know that I will either do or die in “hot pursuit” of my end goals!

3) Establish a balance in my life that allows me to focus 1/3rd of my time on taking care of myself, 1/3rd of my time taking care of my family, and 1/3rd of my time living in the realm of my passions.

It has been several weeks since I shared these commitments with Sherry. In that time, I have accomplished a good deal more at work and at home. I have experienced an all new love for myself and for my family. And, perhaps most importantly, I have felt better, physically speaking, than I have in a great many years.

My wish for you is that you will examine YOUR codependencies, that you will make your 3 commitments to navigate around them, and that you will live the life you were truly meant to live!!

“May the force be with you ALWAYS!”~Obi Wan Kanobi

To learn more about committing to a life lived in Hot Pursuit of Excellence, please click HERE to visit my Facebook page where I list the 10 commitments I personally am designing my 2013 around!!!


Corey Jahnke is the author of “We Are Not Here On Rehearsal” and the creator of SuccessEqualsValue.com. Corey is a John C. Maxwell certified success coach AND a Bob Burg certified Go-Giver Coach. Corey’s company, Legend Crafters, helps people go from stuck to unstuck, from unstuck to remarkable and from remarkable to legendary. Will YOU become a legend?


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