What Am I Getting Here?
By Guest Blogger, Corey Jahnke
What is the salesperson’s real goal? Some say: “To make a sale of course”. Some say: “To create a relationship with a customer or client”. Some go as far as to say: “To fulfill a customer’s needs”. Of course these are all correct answers on some level, but are they the BEST answers?
Author Brian Tracy speaks of the Pareto Principle which basically says that 20% of all sales people earn 80% of the money generated from sales. Sadly, there isn’t much revenue left for the other 80% of salespeople to via for.
So the really big question for ALL salespeople to concern themselves with is: “How do I get into (and stay in) the top 20% club?”
Manufacture and maintain customer loyalty. Make your customers feel like their business matters to you in such a way that you would crawl through broken glass to get it. Once you get it, do something spectacular to demonstrate the value you get from their business and the value that the customer receives from doing business with YOU!
There must be a free gift, extra bonus, or a plus to doing business with you and only you. The customer wants to feel like they are joining a team-your team. They do not want to feel victimized by surcharges, added fees, and up-sells.
Certainly the airline receives my 50 bucks for luggage every time I fly, but I fly a lot less than I used to. Why? Because I (like everyone else) am tired of feeling like I survived giving them my business. I used to be happy to enter into a partnership that was a win-win situation designed to get me where I wanted to go while creating revenue for the airline. I was happy to pay for services rendered.
There are many levels of customer service, but only one level that matters to the top salespeople. Make sure that going forward everything you do revolves around creating maximum value for your customers. Add pluses. Add extras. Add unexpected bonuses. But, never ever add anything that causes YOUR customers to question your motives. The opportunity is in the magic!! If you create a truly magical experience for your customers they will stick with you for the long haul. If you cannot, or will not, your customers won’t sweat it. They are well aware that your competitors WILL.
“Always make it easier than you said it
would be and always deliver more
than you promised.”
Jim Rohn
Corey Jahnke is the author of “We Are Not Here On Rehearsal” and the creator of SuccessEqualsValue.com. Corey is a John C. Maxwell certified success coach AND a Bob Burg certified Go-Giver Coach. Corey’s company, Legend Crafters, helps people go from stuck to unstuck, from unstuck to remarkable and from remarkable to legendary. Will YOU become a legend?
30 Minute “Exploration” Session.
I just love Corey Jahnke’s post and always learn so much. I was surprised to hear that the top 20% of sales people make 80% of the sales. My clients are very important to me and I do my best to create a delightful and rewarding experience for them. Some of my clients have become very close friends too so I am glad I’m on my way to the top 20% club. Thank you for the advice.