The Power of Increase

By Keith Cook

In The Science of Getting Rich Program, Bob Proctor talks about use value vs. cash value. What is the meaning of giving more in use value than you take in cash value?

Let’s say you sell a man a pick axe for $10. It is safe to say that man could easily use the pick axe to make hundreds or thousands of dollars. The axe will produce more use than the money charged to purchase it. In this way, you increase the life of the world because you are adding value to life. You are giving more use value than cash value. This should be the underlying idea and purpose of any business transaction.

Here are a few more examples. A new home owner arrives at their home to find a gift certificate for $100 to a store of their choice. You detail a customer’s car and fill it up with gas as a kind gesture. Challenge yourself or your partner to see who can make the most people smile today. That smile could make such a difference in someone’s life. In order to get what you want out of life, you must give first.

We truly live in a universe of abundance and prosperity. Nature is constantly bringing forth new, exciting, vibrant, and amazing discoveries. The vastness of nature and undiscovered areas are a testament to how plentiful and abundant the world is. As with nature, we too, through our thoughts and feelings, bring forth our dreams and desires. Our dreams and desires give reason for the constant need of a more fulfilling and expanding life. Dreams and desire made all that is, about, and around us.

Additional Resources
The Secret
Learn The Law of Attraction from The Teachers Featured in The Secret

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