Saving a Relationship: The Power of Daily Affirmations

By Keith Cook

Are you looking for ideas on saving a relationship? Daily affirmations can be an important tool in promoting and attracting the good in any situation. Would you like to know how positive statements can transform any relationship into a healthy and loving relationship, no matter what it’s like right now?

Every relationship you have is a reflection of how you feel about yourself. The thoughts you hold in your subconscious mind about yourself are the very same thoughts and vibrations you give off and attract to you. Every relationship, every interaction with another person is a reflection of your own thoughts and feelings.

In order for you to transform any and every relationship, you must have a deep and devoted love of yourself. Know that you are perfect in creation.

“My body was made in the image and likeness of God. God first imagined it in its entirety, therefore every cell and bone and tissue is perfect, every organ and muscle performing its proper function. That is the only model of me in the Universal Mind. That is the only model of me that my Subconscious Mind knows. Therefore, since Mind-God is the only creator, that is the only model of me that I can have!” Quote by Robert Collier

Know that you are worthy and deserving of anything and everything you could possibly want in your life. Your pursuit of a healthy and loving relationship is admirable. In all areas of life, one should create a balance of mental, spiritual and physical harmony. Look for the good in every person. Seek out only the good. Do not complain, criticize or blame anyone outside of yourself.

Set your intention to see the best in everything and everyone. Whatever it may be that you want to change, start within yourself. See what you describe with your thoughts as opposed to describing what you see with your eyes. Create what you want by thinking and having a clear picture of the goodness you deserve and want in a relationship. Imagine you have it now, and act as if you would when you receive what you have asked for.

Make a list of hundreds of magnificent things about you. Continue to add to this list as you grow. Read it daily as a reminder – a testament of how good you want this area in your life to be. It is a process and one that can be fun.

Begin saving a relationship by using these daily affirmations:

  • I only attract healthy and loving men/women in my life.
  • All my relationships are fun, friendly and productive.
  • I draw love and romance into my life now.
  • Everyday and in every way our relationship is getting better and better and better.
  • My partner and I are fully capable and perfectly aligned spiritually.
  • I am magnetic and irresistible to my partner.
  • I radiate pure, unconditional love to my partner.
  • I am in a joyous and rewarding relationship with my partner.
  • I am in a fulfilling and nurturing relationship.

Visualize what a healthy and loving man/woman would be like to you. Remember, what you think about on a consistent basis you bring about, so expect the best and keep positive statements on your mind.

Allow daily affirmations to transform any relationship into a healthy and loving companionship. Free yourself of the idea that you are responsible for making others happy. Practicing affirmations can be very helpful in saving a relationship. Become aware of your thoughts and feelings because they create your life. You know what makes you happy, and your happiness is the number one thing in your life. There are only three things you can control; your thoughts, your feelings, and your actions. You alone control your happiness, and it is a choice.

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3 thoughts on “Saving a Relationship: The Power of Daily Affirmations

  • July 1, 2011 at 11:34 am

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