Who Else Aspires To Have More, To Be More, and To Do More?

By Joy Bing Fleming, MBA

Do you want more out of your life? Do you want more income, more freedom, and more time to spend with your family? We all do. Most of us aspire to have more, to be more, to do more. Well, you’ve come to the right place. Have you heard of the Bob Proctor Secret Science of Getting Rich Program (SGR Program)? This program explains the needed skills necessary in order to create gentle transitions in your mindset. This new mindset will help you to begin manifesting prosperity, health, happiness, and abundance.

So, how do you start to get more out of life? Well, it all starts with your thoughts. Everything starts in our own mind and then materializes in the outside world. The results that we’re getting right now are limited to the thoughts we’re thinking. In fact, I listen to The SGR Program everyday, and I am making it apart of my daily life. It has changed my life by helping me increase my self confidence, overcome fears, and generate more income. It has also helped me keep positive statements and encouraging thoughts on my mind. By making it a part of your life, it will help you as well.

Thoughts are the first topic in The SGR Program. From an early age, most of us learn to live “from the outside – in”. Let me explain. Many people are accustomed to having to see something with their own eyes in order to believe that it’s possible. Speaking from personal experience, that’s how I used to be. For example, many people have considered starting new businesses, but they wait and see if other people are successful at them first. Haven’t you heard this before? “I’m going to wait and see how my friend does before I get involved with this business.”

Alternatively, we need to live “from the inside – out” in order to achieve great health, happiness, abundance, prosperity, etc. For example, how was the light bulb invented? How were TV and radio created? How was clothing made? Someone had to first think of all of these items. Then, their thoughts became a reality.
Henry Ford was aware of this amazing secret. He believed that if he could see something in his mind – he could create it in real life. He built the 1st V8 engine. He was told by his engineers that it couldn’t be done. They couldn’t see it with their own eyes, so they didn’t believe it. What if Henry Ford would’ve thought that same way? Well, we may not have a V8 engine today.

The same is true for just about everything in our world. We wouldn’t have airplanes today if someone didn’t at first have a thought about creating one. They certainly couldn’t see an airplane fly in real life. They saw it first in their minds. This is one of the needed skills in order to start manifesting prosperity. Live “from the inside – out”.

I have a friend that used this concept when he was a teenager. He made some gentle transitions in his life without even realizing it. He actually used this concept in his sleep. Before he went to bed every night, he would imagine what he wanted to happen the next day at school. He was a football player, and he would even imagine what football plays were going to happen in the next game. Then, when he went to sleep, he actually dreamed about all of the things. You know what? Everything he thought about actually happened.

Another way to begin manifesting prosperity, health, happiness, success, and abundance is to recite positive statements everyday like daily affirmations. Always recite them in the present tense. The brain doesn’t know the difference between what’s real and what’s imagined. So, if you want to start making $5000 per month recite: “I am so happy and grateful now that I am earning $5000 per month.” The 1st time you do this, it will seem a bit weird since you’re not making that amount of money yet. However, these encouraging thoughts of yours will lead to feelings, actions, and finally the new results that you want.

Remember – the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. If you don’t like your current results, then something has to change in order to get better new results.

If you can see it in your mind, you can make it happen. Always keep encouraging thoughts and positive statements on your mind. Begin using these needed skills and gentle transitions in mindset today.

This is just a portion of 1 of the 17 lessons in The Bob Proctor Secret Science of Getting Rich Program. To learn more about the full information packed program, please click here.

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