5 Valuable Tips for Being in Your Joy

By Guest Blogger, Astra Spider, The Abundance Shaman

If you are experiencing blocks to living a successful, happy and abundant life, I hope that these valuable self-care tips will support you in finding your center of joy.

1. Know that your life mirrors your mind. If you want to change your life, change your mind – or, more specifically, your thoughts. Think different thoughts to produce different results.

2. Step away from the naysayers. What this actually means is that you need to get inside your own head and reprogram your thoughts to become supportive of your own endeavors. Because if you are attracting naysayers and negative people from the outside, they are simply there as mirrors to show you that it is time for you to release your own self-sabotaging thoughts – and to embrace your inner-awesomeness!

3. Do not judge yourself or others. Don’t waste precious time beating yourself up – for anything! If you feel you have made bad decisions or wrong choices, know that the past is over and that you create your fabulous life – present and future – starting NOW. The present is your most valuable resource. What are you going to do with it?

Also, don’t give away your energy by judging anyone outside yourself for their choices or actions.. If you find yourself doing this, it is simply a signal to yourself to look within and make the improvements on the inside that you wish to see in the world – and the people – around you.

4. Remember that in order to be happy, the only person who needs to enjoy what you are doing is YOU.
Don’t expend your energy caring what others think, or wondering if they are judging you. When you focus on creating your business, project or endeavor specifically to your liking, and when each task you perform brings love and joy to your soul, then the people, customers and clients you attract will also love what you do.

When you fritter away time and energy worrying about what others think, you are spinning away from your center of joy. By staying connected to your own joy and loving what you do, you become an example. You teach others by your actions that it is possible to be happy, fulfilled, and abundantly successful.

5. Restock your energy. Give yourself permission to rest. Give yourself more alone time. Take several breaks each day to relax and dream. Pay attention to your inner-life. Listen to the whispers of your soul. Be your own best friend.

You are the center of your Universe. By taking care of yourself, you are doing your part to take care of the world around you. Loving yourself creates a ripple effect.

As Mahatma Gandhi said: “You must be the change you want to see in the world.”



Astra Spider – The Abundance Shaman – empowers soul-centered, heart-inspired, spirit-driven business women to open to their abundance and live their dreams. Astra is pleased to announce the launch of her new online abundance school, Abundant Souls Academy, which she has created for these very women. It is Astra’s mission to support as many soul-centered business women as possible in becoming grounded in their joy, abundance and success – and in being happy now!

You can access the Abundant Souls Academy here:


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2 thoughts on “5 Valuable Tips for Being in Your Joy

  • January 6, 2013 at 2:19 pm

    Doctor Cris, I am so happy you enjoyed my article! Thank you for leaving such a thoughtful comment. I too love to find the quiet moments to simply sit and regroup – allowing what messages from the Universe want to come – and letting go of stress, thoughts, worries… Giving myself a chance to simply BE. It is so important to our all-over health and well-being! 🙂 Thank you again, and peace… Astra

  • December 26, 2012 at 12:30 pm

    We are indeed the center of our universe. I believe we lose sight of this as we go through our day. I myself, try to meditate every morning to keep me centered and grounded on what is really important in my life. I find that in the quietness of the morning, I can hear my soul speaking and feel the love of the universe.
    I hope to read more blog posts from Astra Spider in the future.

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