Are You in a Race With Yourself?

By Keith Cook

Do you feel inadequate? Are your actions impulsive and as a result, you make bad decisions? Have limiting beliefs, procrastination, opinions of others and just plain old fear, kept you from breaking through to success? For the most part, many of us are plagued by an array of ideas, thoughts and conditioning that no longer serve us.

My coach once told me that as you go through life and look back on the events of your life, you will see that you’ve been in a race against yourself. You are in a race to figure out how to stop being a victim of circumstance and finally start a conscious creating or living of your life as oppose to life happening by default.

You are in a race against yourself to decide or figure out your calling or purpose in life before you die. You are in a race to finally become aware that your thoughts create your life and that you’ve always been in control. You are in a race against yourself to finally embrace your magnificence and glory, to remember your power to create and manifest your wants and desires at will, to tap into the void of infinite increase, beauty, and abundance in all aspects of your life.

Have you ever wondered, “Am I ever going to get this shit right? I’m getting older. I keep doing the same stuff and keep getting the same results.” Do you feel like you’re stuck…on stupid… like you’ve fallen and can’t get up? Do you make excuses and give every reason not to do something? Or do you choose to do nothing instead, because you can’t mess up or fail if you do nothing? You can’t be ridiculed or made fun of if you don’t participate and you’re OK with that.

You see other people who appear to have their lives together. Everyone has ups and downs, but you seem to be down more than up. So what’s it going to take for you to get your ass off my shoulders and get it in gear? Where do you start?

The answer is simple. Start with self, end with self. Get centered, grounded, relaxed and return to nature. Return to infinite growth, health, prosperity, abundance, awareness, love, wonder, excitement and beauty. Reconnect with the well being that is inherent in all things, including you. From that point, be the energy you want to experience and share it with others.

All interactions in life are due to your involvement with the energy around you. There is an inherent flow of well being that is available to each of us. As you lower your resistance, you allow that well being to flow more naturally. As you move forward with positive deliberate intention, decide the love and abundance you want to experience and share it with others. Your life will begin to unfold as you desire.

For example, if you want to experience peace and love, you must be the experience of peace and love first, so you have it to share with others. The race started when you were born. And until you decide, remember, reclaim your magnificence, glory, and abundance that was meant for everyone to enjoy, your life will continue to unfold as it has.

“All growth comes from within. This is evident in all of nature. Ever plant, every animal, every human is a testament to this great law and the error of the ages is looking for strength or power from without.” Neale Donald Walsch

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