Back to Basics

By Guest Blogger, Tom Murray

If you’ve spent any time with kids you will notice that they often mimic adult behavior. Think back to a time when you’ve witnessed a kid falling and scraping their knee. Typically, their first reaction is to look around and observe how the adult responds. One response an adult might have is to rush to the child’s aid as if some horrible event has occurred. We all know what happens next when that child senses fear from the adult. Yes, the child starts screaming and actually believing that a scraped knee is terrible. The other response that some adults display is one of confidence. They maintain a calm demeanor, pick the child up, and let them know that this is not a big deal. Generally, the kid accepts this and soon forgets that anything ever happened.

So, what happened to those days?

You may have a conflict of some type in your place of work or home. Some situation may arise that appears to be scary. What is your reaction to those situations? As adults we sometimes blow certain situations way out of proportion. Remember this: energy flows where attention goes. If you’re feeling dissatisfied, embarrassed about something, or not getting along with someone….it’s totally ok! People run into trouble when they give that situation all of their energy and focus. So, for those “unwanted” situations, at the very least, act as though everything is ok. The people around you will respond accordingly just as a child will respond once they see that scraping their knee isn’t so bad.

Let’s talk about work. Some people hate their job. I’ve had that experience as well on quite a few occasions. However, it does not benefit you to show up with a sad face, avoid people, and continuously speak negatively about your job. Remember, energy flows where attention goes. So, if you’re constantly acting as if things are horrible then they will stay that way. Not only will it stay that way, but will also more than likely intensify. Do these phrases sound familiar: the rich get richer, the poor get poorer, when it rains it pours? Same concept. Just a child scrapes their knee, it undoubtedly hurts, but you don’t have to give it your full attention. If this post apples to you in any way, do the following the next time you’re at work, home, school (or wherever applicable): control your breathing; keep your chin up, shoulders back and stand tall; look people directly in the eye while engaged in conversation; and lastly speak with full confidence even if you’re not feeling confident at the time. If you do this you will be utterly amazed at how positively people will respond and respect you.


My passion is catapulting others into recognizing their unlimited potential. I’ve accomplished what others thought impossible. I did it, not through luck or good fortune, but through deliberate and methodical thoughts, words, and actions. My mission is to help you achieve your definition of success.


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