How To “Use” A Role Model

By Guest Blogger, Corey Jahnke

“Leadership is a potent combination of strategy and character. But if you must be without one, be without the strategy.”

General H. Norman Schwarzkoff

Think really hard about that person in your past whose word was gold. No matter what she said she was going to do, she did. Everything about her smelled of integrity. You would leave your life savings with her, and never give it another thought. No matter what the situation; you knew she had your back. Others may have slandered you, but not her. No matter what went right or wrong she always took the high road. When the chips were down, you could always count on her to reach deep and stand strong.

How does her memory make you feel? I am guessing you answered that question without one thought of her net worth or what she wore. What would it be like if you were that person in someone else’s eyes? If you are not already, you could be. You simply have to follow her example.

Make her life stand for something, and yours will as well. I believe in you and I know that you and the word character are destined to become one and the same.


Corey Jahnke is the author of “We Are Not Here On Rehearsal” and the creator of Corey is a John C. Maxwell certified success coach AND a Bob Burg certified Go-Giver Coach. Corey’s company, Legend Crafters, helps people go from stuck to unstuck, from unstuck to remarkable and from remarkable to legendary. Will YOU become a legend?


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