By Guest Blogger, Corey Jahnke

“You can either stand by and watch the destruction, OR you can be a strategic player and guarantee the best results for everyone involved, even if the BEST results are LOUSY.”

My Own Internal Dialogue

Everyone knows that the corporate world is a constant battle between those of us in the field and those who work in the accounting and budgeting departments. I’d like to say that this day was like every other day of my career in pharmacy when the “budget” made me laugh, but on this day the budget made me cry.

For more than 20 years I had successfully staved off the “bean counters” knowing full well that I had made myself so valuable that when “push came to shove” they wouldn’t take the chance of me “handing them the keys” over the issue. But, tragically the game has changed. In the modern culture of “compliance”, “accountability”, and “micromanagement”, there are no “trump cards” left.

“You will reduce your staff by 40% or WE will do it for you” was the message that was delivered that day, the 2nd worst day of my life. The reality was that my resignation only guaranteed that the 40% would be in the worst possible jeopardy, and the remaining 60% would have no one to lead them in what was destined to become an epic struggle.

By staying, I was able to ensure 3 things:

1) The message that was “given” to the 40% was delivered kindly and humanely.

2) These people would be guaranteed a position in another part of the company and would be “delivered” safely.

3) The remaining 60% of the people were lead as well as possible into the space of the new challenges they would be facing.

The WORST day of my life was the day that I personally handed “the news” to the affected individuals. These were good, kind people, who really didn’t deserve to be “transferred” which resulted in pay cuts for all of them. Delivering the news itself was awful enough, but the reason it was the absolute WORST thing I have ever had to do was because I WAS THE ONE CHARGED WITH MAKING THE DECISION AS TO WHO WAS ON THE “KEEP” LIST AND I HAD TO TELL THEM THAT IN THIS ARENA THEY FAILED TO MAKE THEMSELVES VALUABLE ENOUGH TO “MAKE THE CUT”.

Sadly, the decision as to who was on the “GO” list was relatively easy. I didn’t choose by seniority, rates of pay, or even favoritism. I simply made two lists (herein lies the reason for this post). I titled the two lists: “Problem Solvers” and “Problem Creators”. Essentially they choose themselves.

What I learned through this experience is that perfectly good, kind, and talented people have the ability to get on the PROBLEM CREATOR LIST, and I am asking you to examine your own work habits, ability to solve problems, and mastery of working well with others.

I want for you to make a decision today to always be on “THE KEEP LIST” by ensuring that you are doing everything in your power to deliver value anywhere and everywhere you possibly can!

As I stated above, times have changed. There are increasingly less “open spots” available on the team, and your manager’s ability to control the game is dwindling. Your job security is in YOUR hands~literally!!

You are successful to the degree that you create VALUE. Your job in the modern world is to create as much of it as you possibly can!!

To learn more about how to increase your chances for prosperity and job protection please click HERE


Corey Jahnke is the author of “We Are Not Here On Rehearsal” and the creator of SuccessEqualsValue.com. Corey is a John C. Maxwell certified success coach AND a Bob Burg certified Go-Giver Coach. Corey’s company, Legend Crafters, helps people go from stuck to unstuck, from unstuck to remarkable and from remarkable to legendary. Will YOU become a legend?


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