Messages from Within

By Guest Blogger, Tonya Melendez, RScP, CYT

As I am waiting for my nails to dry at the local nail salon, I peruse the magazines to see the latest covers and headlines, the August (2011) issue of The Oprah Magazine, main story is, “Let Your Intuition be your Guide”, I am instantly pulled in and want to devour every word! My nails are wet so I must wait, but it is all I can think about as I run into my local bookstore to get my hands on a copy. I have been an intuitive all of my life, yet to see it on the cover of Oprah’s magazine that millions read religiously is like winning the lottery! Throughout my years studying, coaching, teaching and writing about intuition, it feels like the day has finally come where people are realizing we all have it, some are simply more attuned.

Messages from within is more than a gut feeling; our mind, body and the other senses are involved. The “sixth sense” is often misinterpreted because of antiquated stereotypes and judgments yet each of us is aware when we notice in our bodies first something just does not “feel” right. You know when you first meet someone, the moment you are in contact with their energy field if you like them or not, or some mysterious voice tells you to turn right and you later find out you avoided some catastrophe. The phrase “gut feeling’’ is the basic sixth sense we all have, yet in our fast paced modern world, it is easy to not hear and often goes ignored because it is not perceived as important as the other five senses. Each of us has at least one story where a message was given to us from within. As I read the article, I became aware of the validation we require when listening to our intuition, yet we trust our sense of smell, taste, hearing and taste without even thinking. Why is intuition perceived as negative and almost scary? Is Oprah on to something new?

If we had been taught about our intuitive nature like we are taught about our other senses, we would not require validation or think it is evil to “know” things, yet our society shunned those with attuned perceptions. The truth is we are born this way and yes, Oprah is on to something, she is trying to show her audience another way to look at things, to see the world. When you are attracted to someone there is a physical reaction in your body, your body senses attraction and fear the same way, the heart beat changes, there is a rush of chemical reaction and then our mind picks up the signal. Our bodies are our best guides, so why do we then NOT trust it? To begin understanding and hearing the messages from within takes little time and practice, and the first thing you need to do is let go of any and all attachments you have. Allow yourself to breath, be present and listen, not with your outer ears but your inner wisdom.

The best way to begin understanding intuition is to listen. We can attune our bodies to pick up the subtle messages from within. Meditation is a wonderful tool that allows your mind to quiet and as your minds quiets the messages are able to be received without judgment. Another tool I suggest is the Validation journal, a notebook where you write down all your thoughts that float in…imagine you are doing your makeup in the morning as something tells you to call and check on your mother, write it down, then pick up the phone! Nine times out of ten, your mother will tell you she was thinking of you! Get the point? Do not question it, just write it down, try this for a week, allow the thoughts to just float in. What is your inner wisdom trying to tell you? Take note also of the awareness in your body, any gut reactions or sensations. Stop guessing and start trusting you are getting valid information even it does not make sense right now. Another tool is your dreams, write down anything you can remember upon first waking, leave it and come back to it later, are there any messages? Try to remember colors, scents, people, and environment, write it all down. By doing these simple exercises you are tapping into inner wisdom which is where many answers to your questions are, remember you are unlocking a vast wealth of wisdom and it will take time to build upon, but the first thing is trusting yourself. Your inner wisdom contains messages from within and must be exercised everyday and like a muscle; the more you work it, the stronger it gets.

Inside each of us is an illuminated spark, a knowing; the spark that has guided us towards our right answers and that will never steer you wrong if we take the time to listen. By embracing this spark we are connecting to our inner wisdom, our truest nature and by understanding intuition we are connecting to the divine that is within us all. I am grateful Oprah is opening the minds of millions to this divine spark and who doesn’t trust Oprah?

Tonya Melendez, is a world renowned Intuitive Spiritual Counselor, Teacher, Writer and psychic medium, with many years of practice and clients all over the World. I brings years of study with renowned teachers; Rev. Michael Beckwith, Edwene Gaines, Mary Manin Morrissey, Cheryl Richardson, Neale Donald Walsh, Rev. Jennifer Hadley, Sonia Choquette, Colette Baron-Reid, James Van Praggh and many more.

In addition, I am a healer and psychic medium, bringing messages from loved ones wo have passed away, crystal healing therapy, chakra balancing and teacher, and am also a certified yoga instructor.

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One thought on “Messages from Within

  • April 26, 2012 at 11:14 am

    I use my intuition most of the time. I realized as I got older, that my gut feelings were usually right, well at least the best outcome was derived from following my gut. Sometimes things did not go the way I wanted—but in the end, the best results were achieved by following my intuition. I’m glad that finally spirituality is finally being spoken about more. To me, the spirit is what steers our intuition.

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