My Favorite Movie Quote

By Guest Blogger, Tom Murray

The opening scene of the movie First Knight begins with Sir Lancelot, portrayed by Richard Gere, giving a spectacular demonstration in sword fighting. He commands a large audience and challenges its members. During this particular scene, after leaving spectators awestruck, Lancelot challenges one more person. The challenger is big and strong, but Lancelot defeats him quickly and convincingly by disarming him. The challenger asks how he was able to win all of his battles, it must be a trick! Lancelot pauses and then begins to explain his method. The first two techniques are simple and can easily be learned and adopted. The last method is not so simple. Lancelot says, “You have to not care whether you live or die.”

This is the mentality that separates success people from those who just wish they were successful. Many people have demonstrated this mentality throughout all of history. This is old news. T. Harv Eker in his book Secrets of the Millionaire Mind asks the readers if they are willing to get rich or die trying. Michael Jordon in Game 5 of the 1997 NBA finals played with flu-like symptoms and helped his team to a victory. Following my third rejection from flight school I declared, “I don’t care if I never fly a jet, I’m going to my grave as a fighter pilot.” Can you think of a time in your life when you had a goal and then declared that you will stop at nothing to reach it?

So, how badly do you want to start your new business? Are you willing to stop at nothing to get your dream job? What action will you take to find your soul mate? This may sound risky, but it is. However, ask any successful person if it was worth the journey. When I found myself in the front seat of 17 million dollar Navy jet flying at 400 mph I wasn’t dwelling on the countless rejection letters I received prior. Think of how you will feel when you have achieved your wildest dream. It is your dream. Own it. You are the only one who can stop you.


My passion is catapulting others into recognizing their unlimited potential. I’ve accomplished what others thought impossible. I did it, not through luck or good fortune, but through deliberate and methodical thoughts, words, and actions. My mission is to help you achieve your definition of success.


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