Our Nation’s Economy: Needed Skills & Gentle Transitions

By Keith Cook

What are the needed skills necessary to bring the nation back to the status of a world leader? What gentle transitions in mindset can take us from where we are to where we want to be? It would appear the mindset of the country is of lack and simply not having enough while an opposing mindset has 1 percent of the population earning 96 percent of the income. It would appear that the mindset of that 1 percent of individuals has been coveted and kept from the masses.

In my reading, I’ve come to understand that my mindset needed a shift. That shift came from reading and studying The Science of Getting Rich, by Wallace D Wattles. I’ve made it a part of my life and have made it a point to share it with all I come in contact. It teaches the mindset of wealth, health, abundance and prosperity that would benefit everyone.

There are countless articles at our fingertips that provide a wealth of knowledge in all aspects. As long as we are trained to trade our time for money verses being trained to maximize our time by creating multiple streams of income, we shall continue to experience this economic downturn. Regardless of how much money is pumped into our economy, gentle transitions in mindset are needed to wipe out the current shit storm we’re experiencing. This book, The Science of Getting Rich, teaches the needed skills and thought process that should be introduced in school like every other subject. It should be mandatory like English, math, and science.

As the focus of lack and not having enough transitions to a focus of wealth, health, prosperity and abundance, all of the challenges facing the nation today will fade. We shall become a nation of creators and not a nation of competitors. We can only control 3 things in our lives; our thoughts, our feelings and our actions. I believe every person desires a more fulfilling life in all aspects. It is up to the individual to create the life that is desired. It is up to the individual to think in a certain way and take action now to bring about the desired result. Wealth is a mindset and a way of life. It is a process and the needed skills to make these gentle transitions must become habitual.

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One thought on “Our Nation’s Economy: Needed Skills & Gentle Transitions

  • January 24, 2011 at 2:04 pm

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