So You Think You Know Everything

By Keith Cook

Have you ever felt like you were suffering from information overload due to the vast amount of products and services available via the internet? Have you found yourself afraid to share an idea or ask others for help because you don’t want people to think you don’t know what you are doing? Most people don’t know what they want to do these days because of unlimited and countless distractions, unrest and turmoil we are faced with day in and day out. With all the information available to us, it is easy to become overwhelmed and discouraged, which can lead to quitting.

So first, release the thought that you have to do everything alone. There is a debilitating mindset that you have to do things by yourself. This may come from the countless years of conditioning you received in school, like helping others is wrong and considered cheating. It may come from growing up in a family where you had to be perfect to be recognized and now you have this idea that you must do everything perfectly. Whatever the case maybe, having the mindset that you have to do it alone is not serving you. We were put here to help and serve each other. So don’t be afraid of asking for help in service to others. The world needs your contribution.

I believe one of the main reasons many people don’t accomplish their goals is due to a lack of focus. Focus involves clarity, persistence and developing habits that take you closer to accomplishing your goals. Focus is having the mental discipline to stick with it until the goal is completed.

Let’s start by clarifying your goals. It’s important to schedule time to think everyday. Pick an hour out of your day, maybe Friday, and think about your week. Ask yourself how did this week go? Am I on track, am I off track? What adjustments do I need to make? How can I do this better? How can I be more proficient at doing this? You want to think of ways to improve on what you are doing. Is there anyone I need to be talking to that is more experienced at this and can help me? Is there any relationship I need to build or someone I should contact? As you begin to ask yourself questions of improvement and implementing action steps, you start developing a habit of checks and balances, which reduces and releases complacency and procrastination.

Next, you want to get your priorities in line with your goals. It’s important to get a gauge for your current level of focus. Make a list of every single activity that you do on an average week at work. During that week, determine what are and whether you are working on the 3 most important things you need to focus on in your business? As you go throughout your day and week, ask the question, am I doing the 3 things I do best in your business? You want to play to your strengths so you give maximum effort while working and delegate the other activities to members of your company. Do your best to minimize distractions and set aside a specific time each day to answer emails, take appointments and return phone calls.

Also, you want to be persistent in building new and existing relationships. Who are the top 5 business relationships you need to grow and provide leverage in the industry. Constantly work from a standpoint of adding value. Create win-win situations. You want to set aside or suspend your own self serving interests. This enables you to give 100 percent focus on the other person. They will pick up that energy and that let’s them know you care.

Your goal is to develop a champion in the business. Someone that has become a loyal follower and speaks praises about you and your work. People don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care. Over time, by providing applicable information and adding value to the lives of others, it will dawn on your followers to give back by way of purchasing a product or signing up for your services.

You can also send 3 sincere hand written thank you cards every week. Really embrace the attitude of gratitude. The more you show gratitude, the more things show up in your life to be thankful for.

Finally, you want to ensure you are developing habits that provide the results you are after. A habit is something you do often that becomes easy or is an unconscious action. Habits determine your future and ultimately shape your life. Now you can determine if the behavior you have is taking you closer to hitting the targets you’ve set in a particular area.

You can also incorporate a “no exceptions” attitude. For instance, let’s say you decide to workout 3 times a week. Just because life happens, you find that one week, you only found time to workout once. That doesn’t mean that next week, you are going to workout 5 times to make up for the workouts you missed. A no exceptions attitude means that every week, you are going to workout 3 times a week, no matter what. You can make a public declaration at work that you are not going to eat candy or junk food. So now, if a co-worker notices you with candy or junk food, they will say, “I thought you weren’t going to eat candy or junk food. This will serve as a reminder to stick to you guns and follow through on your goals. If you say you are going to work out 3 times a week, or not eat junk food, you should do it.

These are fundamental ideas that will help you get focused and produce your desired outcome. You are able to do anything you set your mind to and you don’t have to go at it alone.

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