When Someone Shows You Who They Are, Believe Them
By Keith Cook
Have you ever met someone and knew instantly, that you connected with that person? Have you ever met someone and instantly knew that you should head in the other direction? Without saying a word, you got this vibe or energy from the other person and you just knew something, one way of the other. What is this unexplained force of nature?
These are called non verbal signs, communication or vibration. Here’s another example. Imagine walking down the street while approaching a gate or fence. The hair on the back of your neck stands up and before you even hear or see it, you sense a ferocious dog behind the fence.
These non verbal signs or vibrations are your inner guidance system assisting you as you navigate through life. These same vibrations and signs come in a more direct manor and could stand the same attention and response. Which brings me to today’s topic. When people show you who they are, believe them.
I recall a relationship I had with this particular young lady. She was well to do, soft spoken and carried herself with a sense of pride. We met at a football game. I was there with some friends and she was there watching a cousin participating in the game.
I was sitting a few rows in front of her. I looked over my left shoulder and wow, there she was. I told one of the guys I was sitting with that I was going to say hello. I got up, went over and introduced myself. Hello, how are you? My name’s Keith. I shook her hand and then I shook her friends hand. She said her name was Tonya and her friends name was DJ.
We talked a little longer and exchanged numbers. She told me that she was a model and was out of town a lot. That made it real challenging to get some me time in. But through our conversations and encounters, we grew closer.
She began to tell me a certain day and time in which she’d be in town but wouldn’t show up. No phone call. Weeks would go by and my text messages weren’t being returned. My voice mails weren’t responded to. I knew I was dialing the right number. I typed it in perfectly.
I found myself not wanting to go take a shower because I was afraid that I would miss her call. I didn’t want to leave the house just in case she stopped by. This became debilitating and unhealthy.
Then it dawned on me. She told me that she was on the road a lot. She told me that her profession was more important to her. She showed me what she was passionate about. And I was mad because I had invested so much time thinking that she would change.
When someone tells you “I’m crazy,” or “I’m quiet until I get to know you”, believe them. They know themselves better than you do. If someone tells you “I’m very outgoing and flirtatious,” be that as it may, you might want to believe them.
Life gives you all types of signals to warn you, assist you, protect you, and help you. The challenge is recognizing the signs and taking heed before you set yourself up for the big hurt.
30 Minute “Exploration” Session.