Why I Hired My OWN Coach!

By Guest Blogger, Corey Jahnke

For the longest time I resisted hiring my own coach. I thought: ”I am a coach. I know all of this stuff. Why should I hire someone to “teach me” what I already know?”. But then I remembered that “teaching” is not what a great coach really does. I read in one of Harvey Mackay’s books that he has 18 coaches. After studying successful people I learned that the best of the best ALWAYS have their own coaches and mentors.

What is a coach? A coach is someone you hire to:

  1. helps you design and implement your success plans.
  2. become an objective pair of ears to make sure your plans are sound and doable.
  3. be a positive advocate who ENCOURAGES you and TELLS YOU THAT YOU CAN!!
  4. look for opportunities to promote you and helps you to promote yourself.
  5. keep you focused on staying positive and helps you maintain forward momentum. And,
    hold you accountable for taking action and garnering results.

I decided that if Harvey Mackay could have more than a dozen coaches I should hire at least one. I set out on a quest to find the perfect coach and I found Sherry B. What Sherry does best is keep me centered on living a life of appreciation and thus keeps my momentum at full tilt. Below is an example of her follow up:

Hi Corey,
Great to talk to you yesterday. I always appreciate your energy and enthusiasm. (Hey! Put that in your ledger of appreciations!!!!)
Way to go on finishing your opt-in document and on keeping to your schedule last week. Also, I loved what you said about doing just one question on Saturday before work and how they kept you engaged and connected. Really brilliant.
* Keep a ledger of happiness/appreciation moments. Right after you have a great interaction, say at work, jot it down. Remember what Rick Hanson said in Buddha’s Brain: “The brain is like velcro for the bad things and teflon for the good things.” Our job is to reinforce those good moments!
* Hold this question daily in your mind, “Who do I need to become to make it happen that I become Brendon’s Master Trainer? When we talk next week, let’s talk about what this looks like as a plan for the next year.
Extra credit:
* Write this down: “My big fear is life getting in the way of me getting where I want.”
Then underneath it write three proactive things you will do each week to ensure this doesn’t happen.
* Email me once and tell me one of the things in your appreciation ledger.
Thanks, Corey!
Talk to you Monday December 3 at 7:30am.


To learn more about what a coach could do to supercharge YOUR life, Please click HERE


Corey Jahnke is the author of “We Are Not Here On Rehearsal” and the creator of SuccessEqualsValue.com. Corey is a John C. Maxwell certified success coach AND a Bob Burg certified Go-Giver Coach. Corey’s company, Legend Crafters, helps people go from stuck to unstuck, from unstuck to remarkable and from remarkable to legendary. Will YOU become a legend?


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One thought on “Why I Hired My OWN Coach!

  • November 29, 2012 at 10:49 am

    Sherry B. sounds like an amazing coach. Thank you for sharing some of her coaching nuggets with us. I love the idea of an appreciation ledger that keeps you focused on the great things in your life. I’m a great believer in focusing on what you love—it attracts even more love and good things in your life. I also like her approach on focusing on what you need to do or action you need to take to achieve your goal while overcoming your fears. Great advice.

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