You were destined for Greatness — What happened?

By Guest Blogger, Michael Luckman

My belief is that each and every one of us, upon our birth, was given the ability by our creator, to achieve Greatness. But how many of us actually fulfill our destiny? I’m afraid not many. Why do you think that is?

I think there are a number of reasons. First and foremost is that nobody told us of our uniqueness. Nobody told us that we could aspire to greatness. And nobody told us that we were capable of being and doing so much more than we were. And, so we settled for less.

For most of us growing up in our average middle class homes we didn’t see greatness first hand, and didn’t know that we too were capable of achieving all of our goals. So instead of greatness we accepted littleness. And felt that littleness would sustain us and bring us the joy and happiness that we sought. But littleness never does. Constant joy and happiness only comes from the belief that we can achieve anything and everything that we want, need and desire.

Another obstacle to achieving our greatness is our nagging thoughts that we don’t deserve greatness. That for some unknown twist of fate others were more deserving than us. So we accept our fate and never even venture to the point where we can even attempt greatness.

And, then of course, there’s fear. The fear that prevents us from even taking a risk. We fear failure and we fear success. We fear rejection and we fear embarrassment and humiliation. In fact we harbor so many fears that even stepping out of our comfort zones causes us enormous fear. And so we do very little or nothing at all.

There is a thread that runs through this article. Have you picked up on it? If not, no problem. The thread running through the above paragraphs is that everything relates to the thoughts we entertain in our minds. Of the 60,000 thoughts that scientists say we think in a day, better than 90% or 54,000 are negative. Negative thoughts that cause us to feel fear and turn away from challenges, because we don’t believe we are capable.

To achieve your greatness means changing the things you think about. Because it is your very thoughts that cause your fear, and it is your fear that is preventing you from having, being and doing all that you deserve and desire.

Remember this: God made you for Greatness. Don’t disappoint her!

My best to you,
Michael Luckman


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2 thoughts on “You were destined for Greatness — What happened?

  • June 10, 2012 at 8:31 pm

    Awesome post, Michael. God has placed a seed in each of us and that’s the seed of greatness. It’s not a tree that’s in the seed but a forest.

    Thanks for sharing.

  • June 5, 2012 at 9:02 am

    Fear thoughts are so easily picked up and fed to us by the media these days. You really need to feed your body, mind and soul with the spirit that resides inside of each and every one of us. Praying, meditating and focusing on your dreams/desires is what helps us discern what is true for us. I agree that thoughts have such a powerful impact in our lives—we need to release any thoughts/beliefs that keep us from our greatness.

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