Forgiveness Series #1 – Overcoming Abuse & Unworthiness

By Keith Cook

Many people out there have experienced some type of abuse – emotional, physical, or sexual. What I’ve come to learn and understand is that many people move on, have families, great careers, & more, but they struggle with unworthiness. They just don’t feel worthy – they don’t feel good enough.

I myself experienced sexual abuse at a young age, and it was a defining moment in my life. Talking with my coach/mentor and implementing many different techniques (EFT, meditation, gratitude, visualization, forgiveness healing, and more) helped me to move on with my life.

However, despite my successes and accomplishments, for many years, I struggled with feeling unworthy.

For those of you who maybe experiencing something similar, I recommend this daily exercise. Everyday, write down all the wonderful things about you (you’re kind, caring, generous, giving, loving, intelligent, funny, a great parent, and more). Make a commitment to write down 5 new things everyday (don’t repeat the same things over and over). Keep going – keep writing and when you can’t think of anything else, really push yourself to think of 1 more.

Then, whenever you start to feel unworthy, read the list out loud to yourself in front of the mirror. Keep reading. This is a fantastic reminder of the amazing person that you are. You are deserving – You are wonderful – You are amazing – YOU ARE WORTHY!!

The abuse that you experienced doesn’t define you – it’s not who you are.

“Forgiveness is for you – not the other person. If you hold onto all the pain & you never forgive, then the other person’s still controlling you. Let go. Release the past and embrace forgiveness.”

For those of you who are really ready to move forward in your life, finally take back control, and get past your struggles, I am always available to talk with you one-on-one. This session will be a sacred space where you can talk openly and freely without any judgment. You will have 100% support and of course, everything will be kept confidential.

To schedule your private one-on-one session, please click here.

Would you like to read the entire Forgiveness Series? If so, simply click here.

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