
By Guest Blogger, Colleen Humphries

We live in a Universe of Endless Possibilities. Did you know that? Are you living with the thoughts of endless possibilities, or are you thinking in “the onlys?” I “only” have this much money? I “only” have this much time? I only, I only… There are also the thoughts of, “If only I had or I hadn’t…” that limit the endless possibilities.

The “onlys” keep you where you are, in lack mode. So you are always met in lack mode, no fail. Until you start to be open to the Unlimited possibilities that are all around you, you will stay there.

How do you get to get out of the “onlys’ and into possibilities? How do you do that when you “can’t” see the possibilities? I’ll tell you this. It’s more than just believing. It’s having Faith! Believing and having Faith are two different energies.

Let me tell you a story a friend of mine, Jack Russell told me. Yes that is his real name.

The circus comes to town and there is a tightrope unicycler, who every night unicycles across the tightrope 300 feet up in the air, holding a basket, without a net underneath of him.

Now, the tightrope unicycler does this every night, night after night, for every town in which the circus goes. And because he does this night after night without fail, you believe that again tonight, the tightrope unicycler will cycle across, holding his basket and make it to the other side without falling.

Having Faith that he will go across without falling, is that You are In the basket!

How can you be in the basket in your day to day life, living in the endless possibilities that are out there for you in your life? Where can you let go of the “only’s” and the “if only’s” in your life, especially when you do not see or feel the endless possibilities that surround you?

Martin Luther King has an excellent quote on faith. “Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the show staircase, just the first step.” You are probably better off not seeing the whole staircase because you either wouldn’t believe that you could have what was on the stairs, or you could scare yourself right off of the stairs; because you wouldn’t be able to initially comprehend how what you wanted was going to happen.

So how do you get in the basket and have faith? Begin by changing your thoughts. Wayne Dyer said it best in his book, Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life. You have to change the thoughts that are in your head when they are filled with negativity, doubts and “I can’t.” It also helps to get out of “victim mode.”

Instead of thinking that everyone or the world is out to get you, become an Inverse Paranoid, as stated by Jack Canfield, in his book, The Success Principles. Make it a habit to start believing that the Universe is always on your side. The Universe is going out of it’s way for you to give you what you want, all the time. Look at what may be considered a difficult or challenging situation as empowering vs. negative. There are endless possibilities with empowering thoughts. Although I will say, there are endless possibilities in negativity too. They are negative possibilities. (Ummm, no thanks. I’ll pass!)

Make sure that you are really focused on what you want vs. what you don’t want. “I want to win!” vs. “I don’t want to lose.”

(I think about those phrases as I watch the 2012 Olympics. How many of the participants think, “I want to win!” How many think, “I don’t want to lose.” Who do you think has a better chance of winning?)

When you focus on what you want and when you get in the feeling place of the endless possibilities, the Universe can bring you what you want; and most of the time, it will be even better than what you could have ever imagined..

I hope you allow yourself to start to live in the thoughts of Endless Possibilities. You deserve it and you are worth it!


Life coach, Colleen Humphries guides nurses and other professional women out of the BURNOUT that affects their lives mentally, emotionally and physically, and helps them feel alive again. Colleen will help you take back control over your life, find your balance, and make time for what’s really important–you and your family.


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2 thoughts on “Possibilities

  • August 13, 2012 at 10:05 am

    I love the quote of Jack Canfield, ” Make it a habit to start believing that the Universe is always on your side. The Universe is going out of it’s way for you to give you what you want, all the time.” This is a quote I will keep forever because it reminds me that the Universe is a friendly place and here to serve us in whatever way it can. I truly believe this—and belief is the beginning of change and new possibilities. Thanks Colleen Humphries, for this inspiring post.

  • August 10, 2012 at 10:51 am

    Focus on what you want instead of what you don’t want. I like the quote by Martin Luther King, Jr which says “Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just the first step.” This is so true. Just like you said…if we see the whole staircase, we may not believe that it’s possible to get what’s on the staircase. It is very important to continue to increase our belief in the positive we wish to see come true in our lives.

    Thanks for sharing, Colleen.

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