Fit For Success

By Guest Blogger, Corey Jahnke

“I am a great believer in luck and I find that the harder I work, the more I have of it!” ~ Thomas Jefferson

My father always told me: “You make your own luck!”. I am often amazed at how many years it took me to understand what he was talking about. But, the fact is that if you want things to change for you, you have to change. My favorite thought of all times is: “Your actions speak so loudly that I cannot hear what you say!” It is truly what we do, and not what we say that we will do that makes us winners or losers.

In order to live the lives we wish we could, it is hugely important that we realize that we are really asking ourselves to live the lives that we wish we WOULD. We must get off of “someday aisle”. No longer shall we utter those immortal words: “Someday I am going to get in shape”. Once we get clear on the fact that it is the sentence that comes after the phrase “I should” that determines our entire existence; we can truly become “fit for success”.

Becoming fit for success means that we are done with what we “should be doing” and we are moving on to simply “doing”. Fit for success also means that we finally get the fact that if we want our outside world to make sense, it is up to us to get control over our inside world. We spend much time and energy fretting and complaining about what we cannot control. The truly successful use that time and energy to work on and develop the one person whose actions they CAN control. What if today was the day that you too were going to get OFF of the merry-go-round of events that are beyond your control, and get ON your own case and get fit, really fit, for success?

Fit for success means more than physically fit. Yes, I want you to get your waistline under control, but I also want you to realize that fit for success also includes, your finances, your emotions, and your spiritual well-being.

What kind of a day would you have if you committed today to be the day that you begin the process of becoming physically fit, financially fit, emotionally fit and spiritually fit? What kind of a life could you design if you master the person who lives in your jeans? What could the future hold for you if you let go of all of your tired old excuses, and grabbed on to the belief that you can change everything if you simply change your fitness level?

I know that you can become more “fit” in each of these areas. I know that you can. You are a special person. Stop selling yourself short! Stop cutting yourself off at the knees! It is high time that you start believing me. You need to release the genie that lives inside of you. Grant yourself three wishes, then three more wishes, then three more wishes and never ever stop short of your full potential. Don’t cheat yourself and the rest of us out of knowing that person who you WILL become if you will just decide that you have had “enough” disappointment and are really ready to get “fit for success”.


Corey Jahnke is the author of “We Are Not Here On Rehearsal” and the creator of Corey is a John C. Maxwell certified success coach AND a Bob Burg certified Go-Giver Coach. Corey’s company, Legend Crafters, helps people go from stuck to unstuck, from unstuck to remarkable and from remarkable to legendary. Will YOU become a legend?


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