Influence Your World

By Keith Cook

Why is choice a function of awareness? How do you act in a certain way to bring about wealth, health, abundance and prosperity? What causes one person in a particular business to get rich while his counterpart, in the same business, doing things in the same way remains poor? There is a science of getting rich. It’s an exact science like arithmetic.

We were given the power of choice or free will. In so far as we know, we are the only animals on earth with this ability. Using your will or power of choice strengthens your thought awareness. The law of attraction will bring to you that which is unwanted as surely as it will bring to you that which you do want. Consider the time you spend thinking about what you don’t want. The visions you have of what you don’t want, becoming emotionally involved in what you don’t want. Any time you spend thinking of conditions or situations you don’t want you are attracting it to you. Only see the good that you desire. What you see or think in your mind controls your vibration or feelings and that dictates what you will attract.

How do you act in a certain way? Ask yourself these questions several times throughout your day. How do I feel, what am I thinking about? This will automatically bring your thought awareness to the present. You are in a state of awareness when you begin to recognize that your thoughts, to some degree, influence the world around you. Awareness is a function of choice. You decide to live your life or allow life to live you. Decide what you want to have, do and be. Your thoughts become things. So we should only think about the good that we desire.

A person in a particular business can get rich while his counterpart, in the same business, doing the things the same way remains poor by thinking, envisioning, and expecting things to happen as he desires. Decide what you want, believe you can have it, believe you deserve it, believe that it’s possible for you. This is thinking and acting in a certain way.

Each day, set aside time to close your eyes and visualize yourself already having what you want. Use your imagination, pretend and use your will to hold the vision of wrapping your fingers around the steering wheel of your brand new car. While you are in the tub, imagine yourself relaxing in the Jacuzzi at your new house on the coast. You’ve got to create the feeling of having it. Transition your thoughts to take the form of giving thanks for all the fond memories, places you’ve been and will go, the people you love and all the things that make you happy. Have fun with this! You’re creating your life!

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2 thoughts on “Influence Your World

  • October 24, 2009 at 1:32 pm

    muy bueno el articulo te felicito, estoy seguro que me ayudara mucho –
    very good article I congratulate you, I’m sure that would help me a lot

  • October 21, 2009 at 7:34 pm

    Excellent article Kieth. This is a very influential message. Thank you for posting this. 🙂

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