Do Excuses Make Life Easier?
By Keith Cook
Why do so many people make excuses about their life and do nothing to change it? Has complaining and blaming changed your life for the better? Do you continue to ask yourself, why am I still in the same dead end job, in the same financial situation, at the same time, every year?
With so many distractions and different point of views on how you should look, think, and act, one could easily become confused. Think about the different sources of ideas that bombard your mind like TV, radio, media, your parents, social conditioning, teachers, and other relatives.
This can become confusing because you may not be sure about your purpose in life. You do not have a clear picture about what you want to have, do, and be. You begin making excuses for not having your wants and desires. You look for outside reasons to explain why you didn’t complete a goal, why your relationship or marriage didn’t work, or why you are always unhappy. You blame every outside condition, when the real problem is you.
You decided to eat that pint of ice cream, you decided to stay in that abusive relationship, you decided to remain at that dead end job instead of pursing your dreams, you decided to drop out of school. Due to your thoughts and actions that produce the same unwanted results, you continue to be a victim of your non serving reoccurring thoughts and habits.
So in order to change the way you do things, you must change the way you view things. The way you do one thing is the way you do everything. “Before you change your thinking, you have to change what goes into your mind. Zig Ziglar“
You have to stop the complaining and blaming. The results of your life are due to the thoughts you’ve had about your life up to this point. If the thoughts you have now were going to bring about a different result, it would have happened by now. You have the ability to have, do and be whatever you desire. So how do you break through to success?
To create the life you desire, you have to be willing to take responsibility for the results of your life. Take time to become consciously aware of your thoughts and feelings. Instead of reacting to events and circumstances, create the events and circumstances by deciding, in advance, what you want to have, do, and be. When you are consciously aware of where your are, you know where you’d like to be and have a sense of direction of how to get there, nothing can stand in your way.
So this lack of control over your life experience is due to not knowing and not deciding which direction you’re headed. By not paying attention to your feelings and emotions, you often tend to move away from where you want to be. Your feelings and emotions are a constant reminder of your point of attraction. What you think about, you bring about.
Having an attitude of gratitude is a great way to bring all the good you desire into your life. As you practice giving thanks for the good you have in life, more of the same will show up. For instance, give thanks for waking up this morning, having a friend or parent to call and say you love them, being able to see, hear, feel, taste, speak, use of all your fingers and toes, a roof over your head, knowing and being surrounded by people who love you, your health, your parents and siblings, the sun, the rain, the abundant beauty in nature. The more things you give thanks for, the more things show up to be thankful of in your life experience.
In that instance, you are thinking thoughts that serve you, attracting people, places, circumstances, and events that will take you higher and higher. The more time you spend appreciating and giving thanks, the less resistance you’ll experience in life. The less resistance you experience in life, the better your life will be. Resistance is any thought, word or feeling that is the opposite of what you want.
Having gratitude is a simple technique to assist you in tapping into the infinite abundance, love and joy available to everyone. Decide what you want and be clear about what you want. Remember your feelings and emotions and allow them to guide you to a happier place.
30 Minute “Exploration” Session.

I totally agree. Once you start noticing and giving gratitude—it changes your life. I love the Law of Attraction that brings to us what we put on thoughts and feeling and prayers into. We sometimes get so focused on what is wrong with our lives that we fail to picture and align with what we would rather have in our lives and get stuck in the muck. I love your post.