How to Create the Results You Want

By Keith Cook

The winning way to any starting point, to any aspect of your life should be thought. But most people do not begin with thought. Most people begin with the results they see or experience right now. They let their present results produce feelings and those feelings produce actions that produce the same results.

This is a vicious cycle that has clutched the mind of the masses. The average individuals mind is being bombarded by a multitude of totally unrelated ideas. Think about how much time you spend in front of the TV or listening to the radio. While watching TV, you view the commercials as well as the show you are watching. The commercials are an idea. The show you are watching is an idea. Each song you listen to is an idea. And again, the radio commercials are an idea. For those who surf, forget about it!

This is the mass thinking the mass consciousness. It really isn’t thinking. It’s mental activity or random continuous thoughts and images without focus, awareness and order. The lack and limitation in their present results has become the primary focus and belief. They concentrate all of their attention on the present unfavorable results and limitations only to CREATE more of the same.

“An ignorant person permits the appearance of things to control his or her thoughts.” Bob Proctor

If you allow your current results to dominate your thoughts, that will determine the thoughts you think. Those same dominate thoughts are going to produce those same dominate feelings. Those dominate feelings move you into action which CREATES the same results. You may think, “It’s been like this for so long, I guess this is how it’s going to be.” or “I’ve done it like this up to this point, why stop now?”

How do you break away from this? The starting point is THOUGHT.

“An aware person thinks what they want to think regardless of appearance.” Bob Proctor

They check the results they get. They see what they got and say, “That’s not what I want.” Then they begin to think. They build a thought of the things they desire. That thought creates the feeling. That feeling moves you into action and the action causes a result. They observe the result and make adjustments in their THINKING to improve the result. That’s the process; thought creates desire, desire creates feeling, feelings move you into action, and actions create results.

We must remain calm, steadfast, and serene. We must not let the outside world control our thoughts. We want to originate thoughts.

“The only thing that grows is the thing you give energy to.” Emerson

The human being is a thinking center. We have creative faculties. All the things that have been fashioned by hand were first fashioned in our minds. Create the life you desire and expect only the best.

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One thought on “How to Create the Results You Want

  • December 24, 2010 at 6:34 am

    Hey Keith,

    This is the most beautiful and uplifting note πŸ˜€

    Thank you so much… for this important topic πŸ˜€

    Keep it up and please share more of this !!

    have a wonderful Holidays πŸ˜€

    Hasan Salam .

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