Only One Of Us Believes YOU Are MY Superior
By Guest Blogger, Corey Jahnke
— Lao-tsu
I posed the question on my Facebook Page a few weeks ago: “What do you believe is your biggest obstacle to giving or receiving customer service?”. The overwhelming response had to do with a “lack of training” of the service associate. I wish this were truly the case; it would be easier to fix than the REAL problem.
Having worked on the front lines in corporate America for the past 23 years I have learned that it is ultimately the “lack of buy in” from the service level employees due to the lack of leadership from “above” that is the actual problem.
Great leaders don’t even know they have a “title”. They see themselves involved in the process of delivering an amazing customer experience. They SERVE and provide education and support to those who are face to face with the customer. In short, their customers are the people serving the people with the money. They are there to help in whatever capacity is required to complete a successful transaction. Further, they understand that a successful transaction is a win-win for EVERYBODY. Everybody includes the service associate.
Unfortunately, if you look “under the rug” and spend time with the parties involved, you will soon learn that great leaders are few and far between. Sadly, the norm is to find someone higher in “the chain of command” who views him or herself as the boss, the leader, and worst of all the “superior” of those who consider themselves the ones “who actually do the real work”.
The reality is it takes ALL team members operating at peak performance for the company to succeed. ANYONE who perceives their own importance as “greater” causes an imbalanced “ecosystem” and poisons the environment for EVERYONE.
Successful businesses have looked at corporate balance and think differently. They “train” service level employees by showing them that they are truly valued members of the overall team and teach them what “is in it for them” to provide great service. The best companies provide true “profit sharing” and create win-win environments up and down the company ladder. All employees truly benefit from world class levels of team work.
Going forward it is important that YOUR company practices inclusion as it’s training technique and that your supervisory personal black lists any phrase that implies superiority from all memos and other forms of communication.
The best “training” is only received when all team members view themselves as equals having a reason to care in the first place. Until you DECIDE to implement true equality into the workplace, you are leaving the lid on your organization’s potential!!
Customer Service Tip #20~“Always treat your employees as if they were your most important customers. They are the face of your company. You want a HAPPY face don’t you?”
Corey Jahnke is the author of “We Are Not Here On Rehearsal” and the creator of Corey is a John C. Maxwell certified success coach AND a Bob Burg certified Go-Giver Coach. Corey’s company, Legend Crafters, helps people go from stuck to unstuck, from unstuck to remarkable and from remarkable to legendary. Will YOU become a legend?
30 Minute “Exploration” Session.

One of the best companies I worked for did just that—involved me in making decisions on my personal and work goals in addition to being compensated wonderfully for helping to make the company successful. This helped me see how I was contributing and the value I brought as an employee. A successful business is a team effort and each and every person is an important part of that success.