3 Steps to Make Problems Disappear

By Keith Cook

There’s an old saying that goes, “The only thing that can grow is that which we give our attention to.” Emerson If you find yourself complaining about a situation and doing nothing to change it, the problem tends to get bigger and bigger. So if you are tired of running into the same situations and unsure how to get the results you want, here are 3 steps to assist you in getting off the merry-go-round of life.

Focus on Self
First, focus on yourself. Everything begins with you. So many people blame their current situations on outside occurrences. They blame their partner, the weather, the President, lack of education, gender, race, parents, athletic ability and the economy. It’s important to stop blaming others about the results of your life and take responsibility. The only reason your life is the way it is, is due to the habitual thoughts and actions you’ve taken up to this point.

Become centered about the subject and ask yourself this question, “how can I make this better?” It’s important to shift your attention from the problem to finding a solution. For example, if you are in a relationship and you find yourself disagreeing about a certain topic, instead of arguing about the problem, which only makes the problem bigger, give your attention and energy to coming up with a solution.

Create a Win Win Situation
The next step is to create a win win situation. Keep in mind that complaining can be an effective tool because you become clearly aware of the areas that need to be corrected. Everything that everyone wants, or has wanted, or ever will want is because they believe they will feel better in the having of it. They believe they will have a “good feeling emotional response.”

Everyone wants to feel as though they are getting what they want out of the deal. They get what they want and you get what you love. Once you find a solution and line up with it, the problem disappears.

Build on the Positive
The final step is to give thanks and recognize what you have most of the time. You are familiar with having an the attitude of gratitude. The more things you appreciate and give thanks for, the more things you attract into your life to be grateful of. What you want is the emotion, what you want is the good feeling. Your desire is the emotional gratitude that comes with having that which you want. The other stuff is just justification for having it.

When you think about having all the money you want, excellent health, the ability to have, do, be and go wherever you want, the good feelings associated with having those things, is the emotional response you desire. Give your attention to what you want. Give your attention to the emotional feelings of having your desires already and you will bring it into your life.

Problems, challenges or obstacles will continue to arise in life to prepare you for the next stage. What matters is your perception about the situation; how you respond to an event is more important than the event. Events of life are meant to stretch you and take you outside of your comfort zone.

As you focus on solutions and look for ways to improve a situation, you will attract people, places, circumstances and events to provide you with answers and clarity. Focus activates the law of attraction. So give all your energy to a positive outcome. Envision a situation that will provide all parties involved with a positive and desired result.

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One thought on “3 Steps to Make Problems Disappear

  • October 8, 2012 at 10:06 am

    It is so easy for people to fall into the habit of only focusing on what is currently manifesting in their lives such as illness, or loss of a job, etc., instead of focusing on what you truly desire which is abundant health, prosperity, a passion for life, etc.. I know it is difficult to focus on your goals when you just lost your job or have an illness—but it is so important to keep your sights high. Keep those good feelings going, be appreciative of what you have and for the blessings that are to come. This will help pull you through the rough spots of life and carry you into your dream life. Great article Keith!

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