Self Discipline
By Keith Cook
We have a magnificent life sustaining guidance system called emotions. There are only two real emotions, one feels good and one feels bad. We give these emotions all different types of names, but when you get down to basics, you either feel good or you feel bad. As you recognize this guidance system speaks to you in the form of your emotions, then you will recognize that you and you alone have the ability to answer all of your questions. The greatest resistance, is that many people do not trust the feelings that are coming from within them. They are afraid to move forward trusting their own guidance system or conscious, because they believe someone else knows more clearly what is appropriate for them.
We, myself included, have been told about a set of rules that were set forth thousands of years ago. The overall, all inclusive, never changing rules do not exist. We, you and me, are ever changing, growth seeking beings. If we observe the environment and the world around us, we would see that many extraordinary events are taking place all the time. Some of the events we approve of and like, some of the events we disapprove of. We all have our likes and dislikes and some of everything in between. Our physical world is very much like the universe in the respect that it has some of everything experienced and some of everything thought of. “You are not here to try to get the world to be just like you want it to be. You are here to create the world around you that you choose – while you allow the world as others choose it to be to exist also.”Abraham-Hicks
Most of our time is used collecting data from real life experiences, interactions with others and using that data to decide what we want. Go forth and think about only what you are wanting and you will attract life experience to help you decide what you want. Once you have decided what you want, give thought only to that. That is your real work. “To first decide what you want and then focus on it.” Abraham-Hicks For it is through focusing upon what you want that you will attract it. Giving thought and so much clear thought that you become emotionally involved with those thoughts. As your thoughts become emotionally charged, you become the most powerful magnet in the universe. Many of the thoughts that you are thinking will not be powerful in attracting in the beginning. Not unless you stay focused on them long enough for them to become more in quantity and become emotionally charged. The more emotionally charged thoughts you have, the more power they produce. That is the process of creating. This is a habit you can develop by using affirmations, meditation, and using visualization. Here is an affirmation to help you find out what you want. “I want to know what I want.” This will begin to bring experiences in your life which will help you know what you want. Say it often. Write it down. Pay attention to what you are receiving.
Develop a deep appreciation and love for yourself and think only good thoughts about you, while giving thanks for all you have and for all that’s coming. Thoughts without emotion do not have much magnetic attractive power. While every thought, has in itself, creative potential or attractive power, thoughts in conjunction with emotion are the most powerful. Once you understand that, for those of you who are getting much of the same, day in and day out, meeting the same men, getting involved in abusive or dead end relationships, having the same amount of money in the bank every year and more debt, still searching for that dream job, still hating what you are doing now, finding yourself no thinner now than when you started a year ago, your current thoughts are pretty much maintaining what you already have in your life. In order to effect change in your life experience, thoughts in combination with great emotion are necessary.
Are you able to see why it’s important to spend 10 to 20 minutes everyday deliberately thinking about what you want with powerful passionate, positive, emotion in order to attract experiences into your life that are to your wanting. Use the greatness that is within all of us to navigate through this life. Your emotional navigation guidance system. Spend a little time everyday to attract into your experience, the health, the prosperity, the loving relationships, the interaction with others, the contributions to your community, the vacations you will take, the places you’ll visit. Take time to envision all the things that would make up a perfect life experience for you. See what you want, like it, attract it! Have fun with this, you are creating your life.
30 Minute “Exploration” Session.

Very nice article… I could not have put it any better…
I would add that you may be extremely creative and unreal with visualizations and dreams… as long as they provide good emotions in long term, they are working for you!
BTW my English is simple and even may be wrong, I know 🙂
awesome article thx!
nice article thx