Young Or Not, I CAN Be Bulletproof (Kind Of)!

By Guest Blogger, Corey Jahnke

Since it was 93 degrees out with 500% humidity and I was Mr. Mom for the day, I took my 9 year old (Christopher) to the local swimming pool for the afternoon. It turned out to be a tremendous learning experience. I stood and watched with amazement and admiration as the teens and preteens showed off their fearlessness. One by one they would climb to the top of the high dive and attempt (and sometimes pull off) the most amazing dives. They would try flips, double flips, reverse flips, and even double reverse flips. I remembered being young and brave and trying all of the same things. Then, I did the math and realized that somehow, someway, 34 years had come and gone since I had “thrown caution to the wind”. How sad!!

The other thing that occurred to me was that when I WAS “young and bulletproof” I had dreams of becoming a professional athlete or an olympic diver. I never even came close to accomplishing either. It didn’t take me long to figure out why. When I was a teenager I either didn’t have an understanding of concentration and focus. Dreams that are realized happen out of dedication, commitment, determination, and persistence. These concepts and skills were foreign to me at the time.

It had always seemed to me that by the time I truly understood an opportunity, it had already ceased to be an opportunity. That is okay because my life has been a grand adventure, and I have learned much from my scars and disappointments!!

Today at age 46 I don’t have much chance at becoming the next Babe Ruth or Greg Louganis, but I do have other dreams and goals! Better yet, I have an understanding of the relationship between desire, commitment, and all out effort. These days opportunity doesn’t slip away from me so easily. I have learned to release the genie that lives within all of us, and I never listen to the 800 pound gorilla that constantly tells me I cannot.

What is your next grand adventure going to be? What if you made a decision today to learn from YOUR youth and go after your dreams with a concentration and focus that wasn’t possible then? I believe you could give those teenagers a run for their money! Will you?

“Learn to love it more than you are afraid of it!”
Bill Cosby


Corey Jahnke is the author of “We Are Not Here On Rehearsal” and the creator of Corey is a John C. Maxwell certified success coach AND a Bob Burg certified Go-Giver Coach. Corey’s company, Legend Crafters, helps people go from stuck to unstuck, from unstuck to remarkable and from remarkable to legendary. Will YOU become a legend?


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