What if success were simply a four part process? (Part 1 of 5)

By Guest Blogger, Corey Jahnke

A few years ago I was a moldy piece of cheese. I had been a retail pharmacist for more than 20 years and although I was celebrated, awarded, and honored, I WAS BORED!! So bored in fact that I completely hated my existence. If I had to keep doing the same things and living the same ways that I was living day in and day out for the next 20 years~quite frankly I didn’t care if I lived or died. In fact, in many ways, death would have been welcomed.

I kept asking myself: ”I SEEM to have everything you are SUPPOSED TO WISH FOR IN LIFE, but why can’t I feel successful? One very bizarre, but life altering night, it hit me like a ton of bricks: I didn’t feel successful because I wasn’t. I was accomplished. There is a huge difference!! Success has something to do with living up to your POTENTIAL; something to do with ADDING MAXIMUM VALUE TO OTHERS; and maybe, just maybe, success has EVERYTHING to do with SEIZING opportunities for yourself and CREATING opportunities for OTHERS.

Epiphanies are amazing. You go from stuck one second, to stepping into a whole new universe the next. Super cool right? But there was a problem: I was STUCK! Or at least I thought I was stuck in an existence that demanded a whole list of responsibilities, obligations, and capital to keep my family afloat. I saw no real way forward. Until….

Until I started realizing that all of my REASONS for being stuck were really just EXCUSES. And, that I could be successful if I somehow kept it simple. So I began asking myself how could I make becoming successful A FOUR PART PROCESS? If I could answer that, I could get unstuck and help others do the same. I vowed to work on this question (quest if you will) night and day until I developed, maximized, and shared (with everyone) my four part process. Below is the outline of the four parts and the my next four posts will explore each of these in greater detail. So here goes:

Part One: What is the mindset that I have to develop?

  • Who should I get around?
  • What should I study?
  • What do I have to tolerate?
  • Who do I have to become?

Some great resource to get started:

  1. www.burg.com
  2. www.lifepassionnetwork.com
  3. www.joshhinds.com
  4. www.success.com

Part Two: How do I have to present myself?

  • Is dressing for success really THAT important?
  • How can I add value to others?
  • Am I trying to SELL something?
  • Do I have an OPEN FOR BUSINESS or an UNAVAILABLE sign on my forehead?

Some great resources to get started:

  1. coreyjahnke.jhilburn.com
  2. www.briantracy.com
  3. www.darrenhardy.com
  4. www.ziglar.com

Part Three: How do I find a unique opportunity?

  • Can I start my own business?
  • Can I franchise?
  • Can I invent something?
  • Can I get involved in a unique opportunity?

Some great resources to get started:

  1. coreyjahnke.jhilburn.com
  2. www.myjavita.com/coreyj
  3. https://www.sendoutcards.com/136201/
  4. http://www.teambeachbody.com/Tonya69

Part Four: How do I MAXIMIZE my opportunities?

  • How can I possibly afford to advertise effectively?
  • How can I reach a ton of people?
  • What does it mean to have a social media presence?
  • Can I really write and publish my own book?
  • How would I use a website to create value for others?

Some great resources to get started:

  1. www.coreyjahnke.com
  2. www.SuccessEqualsValue.com
  3. www.lifepassionnetwork.com
  4. www.getmotivation.com


Once I learned to ask and answer the four major questions outlined above, my life became fun, exciting, and chalk full of abundance! If I get my way, it will be for you also! I look forward to sharing the four parts in detail with you in the very near future! Until then, have fun playing with the links above and consider this: In order to reach your maximum potential you absolutely MUST have a technological vehicle to get your word out. There are lots of great ones out there. Some use aweber, some use mail chimp, and I use Infusionsoft. If you get a chance, take Infusionsoft’s demo to find out how these awesome tools work. To take the tutorial simply click the link below and have fun! Yours in success~Corey J.



Corey Jahnke is the author of “We Are Not Here On Rehearsal” and the creator of SuccessEqualsValue.com. Corey is a John C. Maxwell certified success coach AND a Bob Burg certified Go-Giver Coach. Corey’s company, Legend Crafters, helps people go from stuck to unstuck, from unstuck to remarkable and from remarkable to legendary. Will YOU become a legend?


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